The Time is start now with the Egg Catcher game to prove your self a real hero of egg catcher. Egg catcher is very interesting and easy game to play. The aim of Egg Catcher is to save the life of Eggs, catch more as more eggs to increase your score.
The Eggs continuously fall down from the top and player have to catch the Eggs. Keep Remember Do Not Catch RED eggs. The golden eggs is more score than white and brown egg.
How to play ...
just drag the basket towards the egg position on finger touch.
时间从现在开始与Egg Catcher游戏一起证明你的自我是一个真正的鸡蛋捕手的英雄。 Egg catcher非常有趣且易于玩游戏。 Egg Catcher的目的是挽救鸡蛋的生命,捕捉更多的鸡蛋以增加你的分数。
怎么玩 ...